After two weeks of intense activity, Friday 14 febbraio si è conclusa l’esercitazione aerea “Typhoon Flag 25” ospitata quest’anno, first, dal 37° Stormo di Trapani
I quattro Stormi che concorrono alla difesa aerea dell’Aeronautica Militare – 4° Stormo di Grosseto, 36° Flock of Gioia del Colle (Bari), 37° Stormo di Trapani e 51° Stormo di Istrana (Treviso) – hanno messo a fattor comune mezzi, resource, personnel but above all knowledge and experience making the organization and execution of the most important exercise of the year possible for the F-200 line. This allowed the achievement of the two main objectives: training at various levels of the Eurofighter drivers of the participating flight groups and thestandardization as operational as it is the maintenance of the EFA line.
The main novelties of the edition 2025 of the exercise are linked to the performance of theadvanced phase of theWeapon Instructor Course (Course for shooting instructors and tactics). Thanks to the presence of eight Eurofighter aircraft, four F-35 (who operated from home base), A G550 CAEW and a KC-767A was possible to organize complex missions in which the current crisis scenarios were recreated. With the technical-operational support and the availability of training areas ensured by the interforce polygon of the jump of Quirra, The pilots also trained in search, Identification and defense against threats represented by long -range missilistic components (Cruise Missile). The use of remotely piloted systems, operated in an integrated way in the context of multidominum scenarios, it also allowed to simulate the UAS threats present in the main crisis areas today. This specific type of training has already been used profitably on the occasion of large aerial exercises, such as the Falcon Strike 2022, and is focused on the F2T2ea cycle (Find, Fix, Target, Track, Engage & Assess). The UAS component of the polygon, combined with the remaining threat simulation package in the EW environment (Electronic war) and other training aids, they contribute to ensuring a more realistic and relevant environment as possible to the conditions of operational use.
Lavorare insieme al 6° e il 32° Stormo, also allowed to facilitate the process ofintegration between aircraft of 4th and 5th generation e quello tra F-2000 e velivoli di supporto come il G550 CAEW del 14° Stormo di Pratica di Mare (RM) as well as the KC767A for the refueling missions in flight (Air to Air Refuelling). Gli F-35 del 6° e 32° Stormo hanno operato dalla base madre, While the Caew has carried out technical airports on Trapani in order to allow briefing activity, Debriefing and planning with operators and sailing staff and not of the EFA line, always in order to confront each other, correct and improve operating procedures. The latter activity to which great attention is assigned and which represents the fundamental reason for a relevance of personnel from the different aerial defense flocks, Together with the Mission Crew staff operating on the Caew who were able to confront each other in person by increasing the training return and the effectiveness of the operational tactics. To support this concept and as a novelty of this edition, We also wanted to remotely participate in the Planning phase also the staff D.A.M.I. (Integrated missile air defense) del 22° Gruppo Radar di Licola.
At the same time, The exercise also represented the opportunity to continue the training of the frequency pilots of theOperational conversion course del 20° Gruppo O.C.U. del 4° Stormo di Grosseto che a breve raggiungeranno i Gruppi Volo cui sono stati assegnati.
The complex exercise and training activity generated, has involved numerous AM's departments, tra i quali anche l’80° Centro SAR (Search and Rescue) of the 15th Wing, The Aerospace Operations Command of Poggio Renatico (FE) e il 22° Gruppo D.A.M.I. of Licola (THAT), who shared the primary control agency role with the Caew for the entire duration of the activity, guaranteeing theInterceptor Controllers. Finally, The Operational Technical Support Department of Electronic War also participated (Re.S.T.g.Te) that, with the on -board operators component, integrated the activities of the Caew aircraft through the surveillance of electromagnetic spectrum, while specialist and analyst of the department has ensured the reprogramming activity of the mission given to support the F-20000 and F-35 lines.
La “Typhoon Flag” si conferma un’importante opportunità per il raggiungimento di obiettivi addestrativi di diverso livello e tipologia, nonché un’occasione per promuovere la standardizzazione e il consolidamento delle tattiche operative di tutta la “Comunità Eurofighter” aumentandone al contempo lo spirito di cooperazione e condivisione.
Testo – Aeronautica Militare
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