Already at the basis of the Air Force syllabus for the advanced training of pilots destined for air-rotactic lines, the M-346 has been identified as the aircraft it will replace, in the next years, il glorioso MB-339PAN.
L’M-346, entirely produced by the Italian company Leonardo, it is an aircraft that has already been operational since 2013 in the Air Force (with the designation T-346A), at the basis of advanced training activities (Phase 4 LIFT – Lead-In to Fighter Training) of fighter pilots destined for aerotactic lines with 4th and 5th generation aircraft. Many other international Air Forces have selected this platform, and not just for training activities.
L’M-346, state-of-the-art twin-engine aircraft, it was therefore identified to ensure an even more optimal level of operation of the National Acrobatic Team, in view of the replacement of the current MB-339PAN, in service for over forty years and destined, in the next years, al phase-out. These new aircraft don't just represent a technological upgrade, but also an investment in the future of the Armed Force's activities, which begins to prepare both for the phase-out of the glorious MB-339PAN and for the increase in the operation of 4 and 5 generation, which the T-346A prepares.
In addition to greater flight performance and the total digitalisation of the cockpit, the M-346 aircraft allows safety standards to be further increased thanks to the presence of the double turbofan engine, which will also guarantee an increase in performance. Its reliability and ability to operate in different environmental conditions have already made it a preferential choice for many international air forces as well.
L’M-346, which will be specifically modified for the specific needs related to the performance - fumes, photo/video devices for filming, the data transmission system –, will allow the PAN aerobatic program to be updated with some new figures, while others will remain unchanged or will be adapted to the performance of the aircraft.
Also, the possibility of refueling in flight (air refueling) will extend the range of autonomy of the Patrol, reducing the number of stopovers and travel times to reach the locations where, in Italy and around the world, the audience is waiting for their performances.
The introduction into service of the new aircraft will be accompanied by the establishment of specific courses for the education and training of all components (crews, operators, maintainers, etc.) interested in the program in various ways, adding further high-level skills to the technical staff of the Air Force.
It is believed that the season 2028 it will be the one in which all aircraft will be operational and the aerobatic program renewed accordingly.

Technical data
9,72 m – 31.9 ft
11,49 m – 37.7 ft
Maximum operating altitude:
13,715 m – 45,000 ft
Maximum speed in level flight:
1,093 km/h – 590 Ktas
Limit load factors:
+8/-3 G
2 Honeywell F124-GA-200 Turbofans
2 x 2,850 kg – 2 x 6,280 lb


Designed by Pininfarina
With this livery, specially designed for the Air Force, team spirit and commitment are celebrated,
but also ingenuity and national pride.
The Pininfarina livery, which develops the theme "the Renaissance of the Tricolore", enhances the beauty and fluidity of the flight of
Frecce Tricolori. The result is a design - harmonious as a whole of the Formation - visible in three dimensions, per
ensure that, during aircraft evolutions, there is always a recognizable graphic element capable of
convey to the public a feeling of speed and dynamism. All while maintaining a strong bond with
the tradition that, for more than 60 age, distinguishes PAN aircraft.
A perfect combination of elegance and power, distinctive traits of both Pininfarina and the Acrobatic Team
National, representation of industriousness, ingenuity and teamwork, founding values ​​of the Air Force.
This synergy between Pininfarina, renowned for its innovative and refined design, and the Frecce Tricolori, patrol entered
in 2022 nel Guinness World Records, it is therefore a tribute to Italian excellence.

Source, text and images: Air force