Linate Airport – LIML – da 12 a 14 years ago (!!!)
Covid has been troubling us for now 1 year and forces us to stay at home. Opportunities to photograph airplanes have thinned out a lot and we are forced to dust off old photographs.
And so planes and forgotten places pop up: livree, special color, trades that no longer exist.
Linate data give, in February 2021, a downturn in passengers by -74,8 (LESS seventy-four,otto). In the 2007, 2008 and 2009 these were the planes that it was possible to see. L’MD 80 of Alitalia still had the lion's share, but the family of A. 320 he was beginning to establish the supremacy of the Mad Dog.
Many companies have now disappeared. If we think that today it is really rare to see cars with liveries other than the tricolor one, we understand that the Milanese airport is no longer one of the favorite destinations for Milanese spotters.
In the gallery below you can also see some photos of take-offs and landings on the runway that was once called 18R and now only 18: at Linate it is quite rare to see them.
To you photos